Buenos Aires was a lively city, beautiful architecture, markets, river, shops, food.... Another big city.... By chance i met up with an Aussie girl, Kerbie, whom i had met in Melbourne just before she left for her trip. It's a small world.
I have been doing a fair bit of writing, though it's hard in the big cities, too many distractions.
Too my first long bus ride, 18hrs, to Igauzu Falls. The day i did my trip up there it poured all day. I don’t just mean that it rained, but it poured, tropical style. I have never been so wet for so many hours. 7hrs in fact. So now i have wet smelly clothes, bags, purse, DIARY, everything! Though it was worth it. The falls were magical even without the sun and 1000 butterfly’s. All wildlife had gone into hiding, smart creatures.
I did a jungle 4wd trip then a boat ride, the rain was so hard that it felt like stones hitting your face on the boat. The boat also took us into the water fall, the water was a warm relief from the cold rain, and it's not as if i could get any wetter.
I was worried that i might get sick, when i got back to the hostel there was onlyt cold showers, i can't tell you how happy that made me.
I just got off a 22hr bus ride, Sarah you were right, the busses are freezing cold. In Tucaman, but it's another big city, so i am waiting for a 5 hour bus up into wine country of Argintina, Cafayate.
Just love the bus rides, if i eat another ham and cheese white bread roll i may die:) Ham, cheese and sugar is all they seem to eat. Lets count the kilos i have gained week by week!!!! Bring on Bolivia and some exercise.
Since drafting this blog I have arrived in Cafayate. The bus ride was magical, no sarcasm attached. The first 1hr was through a misty green forest, with waterfalls and a magical feel. I took a moment to look down at my camera, and when I looked up again the landscape had completely changed. We were now driving through the arid rocky Andes. Complete with wild donkeys, horses, bored looking lamas and mountain goats that looked like furry boulders wedged into the mountain side. The bus was a local form of transport, we stopped in many small villages, picked up local families, school children and the occasional back packer. The scenery had me awaiting cowboys or Indians to appear on the horizon, bow and arrow or pistol drawn.
The town itself is divine. Quite, and dusty, surround by the Andes. I have a 3 bed room with a lovely Austrian couple, and we have a clear blue pool right outside our door. Tomorrow we rent bikes and tour the vineyards, then the following day we go horse ridding. My legs have only just recovered from the last trail, but I cant resist.
I have been doing a fair bit of writing, though it's hard in the big cities, too many distractions.
Too my first long bus ride, 18hrs, to Igauzu Falls. The day i did my trip up there it poured all day. I don’t just mean that it rained, but it poured, tropical style. I have never been so wet for so many hours. 7hrs in fact. So now i have wet smelly clothes, bags, purse, DIARY, everything! Though it was worth it. The falls were magical even without the sun and 1000 butterfly’s. All wildlife had gone into hiding, smart creatures.
I did a jungle 4wd trip then a boat ride, the rain was so hard that it felt like stones hitting your face on the boat. The boat also took us into the water fall, the water was a warm relief from the cold rain, and it's not as if i could get any wetter.
I was worried that i might get sick, when i got back to the hostel there was onlyt cold showers, i can't tell you how happy that made me.
I just got off a 22hr bus ride, Sarah you were right, the busses are freezing cold. In Tucaman, but it's another big city, so i am waiting for a 5 hour bus up into wine country of Argintina, Cafayate.
Just love the bus rides, if i eat another ham and cheese white bread roll i may die:) Ham, cheese and sugar is all they seem to eat. Lets count the kilos i have gained week by week!!!! Bring on Bolivia and some exercise.
Since drafting this blog I have arrived in Cafayate. The bus ride was magical, no sarcasm attached. The first 1hr was through a misty green forest, with waterfalls and a magical feel. I took a moment to look down at my camera, and when I looked up again the landscape had completely changed. We were now driving through the arid rocky Andes. Complete with wild donkeys, horses, bored looking lamas and mountain goats that looked like furry boulders wedged into the mountain side. The bus was a local form of transport, we stopped in many small villages, picked up local families, school children and the occasional back packer. The scenery had me awaiting cowboys or Indians to appear on the horizon, bow and arrow or pistol drawn.
The town itself is divine. Quite, and dusty, surround by the Andes. I have a 3 bed room with a lovely Austrian couple, and we have a clear blue pool right outside our door. Tomorrow we rent bikes and tour the vineyards, then the following day we go horse ridding. My legs have only just recovered from the last trail, but I cant resist.
Una buena descripciĆ³n de los hechos y sentimientos de tu viaje. (A good description of facts and feelings of your travel.) This is a wonderfull look up to the north of argentina and to the wild iguazu falls. i hope you can enjoy even more and have fun.